Tingting Zheng   郑停停

Ph.D. Candidate

HIT-VILab | 视觉智能实验室

Harbin Institute of Technology | 哈尔滨工业大学

Email: zhengtingting008@gmail.com

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I'm currently a Ph.D. candidate at Harbin Institute of Technology, supervised by Prof. Hongxun Yao. Before that, I got my Master's degree from Northeastern University. My research interests include image processing and computer vision, mainly focusing on medical image analysis.


  • [03/2024] One paper is submitted to IEEE TMI!

  • [02/2024] One paper is accepted to CVPR 2024 🎉🎉 [Paper]

Selected Publications

CVPR'24   Dynamic Policy-Driven Adaptive Multi-Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
Tingting Zheng, Kui Jiang, Hongxun Yao
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
[Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

Honors and Awards

  • 2023 Excellent Graduated Students of Liaoning Province.

  • 2023 Excellent Graduated Students at Northeastern University.

  • Excellent Graduate Students at Northeastern University.
